I succeeded with the challenge pretty easily, but discovered I had a problem with the readings I was getting from the light sensor, and this has taken me all weekend to sort out.
The readings were doubling and dropping again every couple of readings (this is on the Raspberry Pi 3), so I tried it on the Raspberry Pi B+ and got stable readings. I retested the Raspberry Pi 3 got the same results, and double checked everything and got the same doubling and dropping.
Checked the internet and could not find this problem, so I posted on a couple of forums. Got offered some suggestions, but was still getting the same results.
So I got a new Raspberry Pi 3 a new official Pi 3 power supply, did a new SD card with Raspbian, got stable results. Checked the new SD card in old Raspberry Pi 3 got stable results, then did more swapping around of cards and checking. Then reinstalled Raspbian onto the old SD card and everything was working fine.
So the only conclusion I can come to is that ever when I first installed, or over time with updates, the old Raspbian had got corrupted.
Now I can move onto the next worksheet.
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